QMEA release a range of publications, including our annual report which provides a summary of the year that was, and our annual outcomes report which provides a snapshot of important achievements and milestones from the year.
Our Publications
Our annual Year in Review video gives a summary of highlights from the year – click here for the 2023 video.
Past annual reports:
Here is a link to our 2023 Outcomes at a Glance report.
This gives a snapshot of important achievements and milestones from the year, collated from qualitative and quantitative data collected from our school workshops, programs and events.
Past reports:
The QMEA Newsletter includes a summary of regional activities that occur each term, highlights student achievements and provides an overview of planned events in each of the regions.
Detailed articles and photos of events can be found on our Facebook page or our Flickr page.
This year we presented our mid-year newsletter in a video format, click here to view the 2018 QMEA mid-year report.
The 2016 Skills Report encompasses results of a survey we undertook in 2016 with resources sector companies around employability skills for school leavers.