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The full spectrum of flight, from the basics of a paper plane to the latest technology of drones, was explored by Gladstone students participating in the Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy’s (QMEA) Physics of Flight workshops yesterday.

The workshops were sponsored by ConocoPhillips as the downstream operator of Australia Pacific LNG (APLNG) with members of their team assisting the students and answering their questions about the use of flight technology in the LNG industry.

Toolooa State High School principal, Justin Harrison, said the day could be described as a ‘festival of flight’ with the morning session focused on the design of paper planes followed by a workshop discovering the physics of drones in the afternoon.

“There were nearly 50 students from local schools involved in the workshops which were held at our school and Chanel College,” said Mr Harrison.

“They enjoyed the chance to connect with fellow STEM enthusiasts from other schools and participate in some friendly competition with the paper planes!”

ConocoPhillips Stakeholder Relations Manager, Chantale Lane, said they were proud to support the education activities which had been developed to stimulate an interest in STEM and the resources/energy sector.

Our team had a great time engaging with the students and giving them some insight into how drones can help us with our operations,” said Ms Lane.

Katrina-Lee Jones, Director of Education, Skills and Diversity for the Queensland Resources Council said the day had been a great success for the students, the QMEA and ConocoPhillips.

“My hope is that now the students know how to do basic programming and driving of a drone they will use this to excite their schools about entering in the QMEA drone challenge happening in July,” she said.

Students from Year 5, 6, 7 and 8 attended the workshops from the following schools:

  • Toolooa State High School
  • Chanel College
  • Calliope State High School
  • St Francis School, Gladstone,
  • St John’s Catholic College Gladstone,
  • Star of the Sea School.

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