Students get wise about water – Roma
Roma’s St John’s Catholic School students will be wiser about how water is used, filtered and recycled following a workshop at the school today.
Water4All is run by the Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy (QMEA) and focuses on the environmental management of this precious resource.
“Being part of the academy brings wonderful opportunities for our students, as well as exceptional hands-on activities that show students how their classroom work relates to real careers in the real world,” said St John’s Principal Donaugh Shirley.
“We very much appreciate the time taken by Senex staff to provide new insights about water to our students.”
Senex Community Relations Manager Trevor Robertson said the company’s specialists enjoyed mentoring the students and opening their minds to new opportunities.
“It’s great to be able to show young people that there’s a great range of well-paid careers available in their home communities,” he said.
Year 7 students will hear from a Senex environmental specialist about how water is used and reused in the resources sector and the importance of water testing and monitoring.
The students, who have already completed activities about water treatment and use in the lead up to the event, will also undertake experiments on water filtration and design their own water filter.