100 students from Chinchilla and Dalby attended My Digital World this week and by the end of the program the year 8’s and 9’s did not want to leave! They were all fully emerged in the digital world and wanted more time with the latest in technology that was on offer.



Students made their way around four seperate sessions, all of which showcased new technology and more importantly how the resources sector applies these tools day-to-day.

The sessions on offer highlighted the work of drones, virtual and augmented reality, water quality testing and purification, as well as robotics and programming.

Teachers did not miss out either, with QMEA hosting a teacher PD session too so that teachers could build on their skills while working their way through the My Digital World sessions.

QMEA, along with Arrow Energy, were very pleased with the students who attended and hope each of them continue to be engaged, inspired and hands-on with digital technology and the rewarding work of the resources sector. Thanks to Arrow Energy for sponsoring the day.


To view the full media release, click here
To view more photos of the day, click here. 


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